Pioneer Log Houses in Kentucky

The log cabin is as much an image as it is a building. It evokes thoughts of maple syrup and the American frontier. It is an important setting in the stories of real and fictional people such as Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Boone and Uncle Tom....

Agricultural and Domestic Outbuildings in Central and Western Kentucky, 1800-1865

The preservation of Kentucky’s historic resources begins with research and an understanding of the important role historic buildings and sites play in community life, economic development, and in inter- preting our past. The Kentucky Heritage Council, the State’s Historic Preservation Office, has been gathering information...

An Historic Context of the New Deal in Eastern Kentucky 1933-1943

The New Deal left an enduring legacy on Kentucky’s landscape. In fact, it could be argued that the New Deal’s building program altered the Commonwealth’s landscape to a degree experienced only during the drastic changes of the settlement period. New buildings, roads, bridges, whole communities,...

Kentucky Historic Schools Survey

This examination of the history and condition of Kentucky’s older school buildings, prepared by Rachel Kennedy and Cynthia Johnson, was part of a multi-faceted effort intended to encourage local school districts to carefully consider all of their options and information regarding the preservation and use...

Historic Tax Credits: Making Historic Tax Credits Work for Kentucky

As Kentucky’s business environment continues to evolve, the importance of historic buildings as economic generators continues to increase. Tourists, young professionals, technology startups, and established companies alike continue to value the unique spaces and locations that many of the Commonwealth’s historic structures offer. Kentucky may...

Historic Tax Credits: State HTC for Historic Preservation

Not all state tax credit programs are created equal.  Some state programs have been extraordinarily productive in stimulating rehabilitation activity.  Many others have produced mixed or minimal results. What causes these programs to fall short?  In general, two factors greatly influence the effectiveness of the...

Join the cause and help preserve our heritage and historic sites!

Historic Preservation Adds Value to Communities If you enjoy shopping along one of Kentucky’s charming Main Streets, driving through our historic neighborhoods, and visiting our historic landmarks, then you know why historic preservation is valuable.  These places contribute to our quality of life and vibrant communities...