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Cemetery Preservation: Kentucky Statutes on Cemeteries

In the United States, the preservation of historic cemeteries is largely subsumed under the complicated body of law that governs historic preservation generally.  That body of law consists of statutes, regulations, executive orders, administrative guidelines, and case law at multiple levels of government.  Powers not...

Cemetery Preservation: Dos and Don’ts

Improper treatment can cause irreversible damage to historic cemeteries, so it's critical that the right techniques are used to preserve and stabilize the stone and prevent them from further damage and deterioration.  Know what to do and what not to do to help ensure sound choices...

Cemetery Preservation Webinar

>What are the dos and don'ts of cemetery preservation? >What are the proper techniques for historic cemeteries? >How do you begin a cemetery preservation program?   View This Informative Webinar With Friends of Eastern Cemetery Founder Andy Harpole and Board Member Savannah Darr    Cemeteries and burial grounds are important places to...

Bringing Back Main Street: A Guide to Downtown Revitalization for Local Governments

For generations, small towns have served as cultural and economic centers for surrounding rural areas.  Their physical and social fabric reflect the community's unique history and identity.  Changing economic conditions and demographics create challenges for rural downtowns.  Despite these challenges, some communities remain vibrant places,...

Proposed Historic Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2017

The Historic Tax Credit Improvement Act  (HTCIA) of 2017, S425/HR1158, makes long overdue changes to the Federal HTC to further encourage building reuse and redevelopment in small, midsize and rural communities.  It also makes the rehabilitation of community projects like theaters, libraries and schools easier;...

Preserve and Enhance the Federal Historic Tax Credit Talking Points

These Talking Points illustrate how the Federal HTC encourages private investment; creates jobs; benefits local communities; grows local economies; and, returns more to the Treasury than it costs.  Share these with decision makers, legislators, developers, historic building owners and others interested in historic preservation.   Read and...