Proposed Historic Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2017

The Historic Tax Credit Improvement Act  (HTCIA) of 2017, S425/HR1158, makes long overdue changes to the Federal HTC to further encourage building reuse and redevelopment in small, midsize and rural communities.  It also makes the rehabilitation of community projects like theaters, libraries and schools easier; and, makes more historic properties eligible to use the credit by updating program requirements to reflect current industry practices.  These reforms would be the first major changes to the Federal HTC since the Tax Reform Act of 1986.


Read and download a summary of the Historic Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2017 here.


Photo:  11635 Richmond Road, Paint Lick.  Recipient of Preservation Kentucky’s 2016 Excellence in Preservation Award for Green / Environmental Preservation.


Our historic tax credits have made the preservation of our older buildings not only a matter of respect for beauty and history, but of course for economic good sense.  

President Ronald Reagan, 1984.