Thank you for your donation to our Annual Fund and helping us save places that matter!
Your support is vital to us, and critical to our success advancing the cause of preservation, revitalization and economic development throughout Kentucky.
To better protect our heritage, it’s imperative that we build a stronger portfolio of the tools and programs that advance preservation now. With your help, we can develop preservation friendly legislation, improve state tax incentives, affect public policy decisions, raise the voice for preservation, strengthen our coalition for historic property owners, build awareness, and capitalize on collaboration.
Preservation is good business – and a proven tool to attract private investment in rehabilitating historic properties for both commercial investors and homeowners! Kentucky’s inventory of historic buildings is both impressive and in danger. Your participation helps those who work hard every day to preserve Kentucky’s heritage and the authenticity that makes the Commonwealth a great place to live, work and play.
With warm regards,
Betsy Hatfield, Executive Director
Preservation Kentucky