Preservation Kentucky is a membership-based public charity nonprofit devoted to preserving buildings, structures and sites throughout the Commonwealth. As stewards of historic preservation, we play a vital role in the protection and promotion of our state heritage, and are committed to preserving vestiges of all Kentuckians’ unique and diverse past. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate.
Preservation Kentucky was formed in 1999 as an educational and advocacy nonprofit by Commonwealth Preservation Advocates, a lobbying organization founded in 1987 to champion preservation friendly legislation at the local, state and federal levels.
Preservation Kentucky’s mission is to preserve and connect Kentuckians to their heritage, and make Kentucky communities stronger, healthier and economically sustainable. Our goals are to promote preservation as the proven economic driver it is for community stabilization, revitalization, heritage tourism and job creation; and to help Kentuckians appreciate, maintain and protect their heritage.
Grady Walter, Board Chair
David Morgan, Treasurer
Joe Klare, MBA, Board Secretary
Doug Appler, PhD
Fowler Black
Neill Caudill, MBA
Candy Charters
Ted Stone
Richard Taylor, PhD, JD
Garlan VanHook, AIA
Betsy Hatfield, Executive Director
Becky Eblen, Membership and Database Management
Preservation Kentucky extends special appreciation to our Preservation Partners, Corporate Sponsors and Small Businesses, whose support helps us carry out our mission.